Runstreak and the Recovery — Pace on Earth - Ultralöpning, coaching, shop & blogg

Runstreak and the Recovery

On the 4th of September 2016, I celebrated 3 years of running every day. This challenge (or training form),  is known as a Runstreak or a Running Streak. For the past 3 years I’ve been running at least 20 minutes per day (and at least 1 mile/day). I wrote a blog post recently about all the HOWs and WHYs, so if you wanna know more about this phenomenon (and know Swedish), go check it out >

But the Recovery then. To me, being on a Runstreak and having a quick and full recovery after hard races, are closely connected. It’s been 10 days since I passed the finish line of the UTMB after 46 hours on the track, and I feel just great.
If you wanna read up on my race report it's here > 

Still beautiful, even after many hours on the track.

The race started on Friday, went on all through Saturday and finished on Sunday. Therefore, the first day I had to go running after the UTMB was on Monday. Someone said that running 171 k should mean money in the bank, but being on a runstreak doesn't work like that. You have to run every day. I started with 20 minutes of walking up to the UTMB course, followed by 20 minutes of very slow jogging. Short steps and high frequency. The jogging was slow in matters of distance completed — I think I “ran” just a little over 2 k. My legs were stiff, but otherwise I felt fine. And I loved being out on the course once again, giving thanks to the mountain for being so kind to me.

Just a little bit tired when going out for a run 20 hours after finishing the UTMB.

Giving thanks to the mountains for being so kind to me.

Since then, I’ve had this wonderful feeling in my body every time I’ve been out running. It feels like my body is made to move. I love the wind, the fresh air, and the ground beneath my feet. And I love the simplicity of just moving forward.

The first days after the race, my feet were very swollen. My toes ached and I just wanted to put my feet up all the time. Also, there was a strange tired feeling in my muscles, not that I was sore, just tired. And walking up stairs made me feel out of breath. But all of that passed after a few days and by now I feel almost completely recovered.

Post-race breakfast at our wonderful little AirBnb place. 

I’m certain this fast recovery comes from the fact that I run every day. Firstly, my body is used to running a little all the time so running for 3 days in a row wasn't that much of a surprise (even though I ran much more than 20 minutes/day!). And secondly, I’m sure it’s a very good thing — going for a run so close after the race. As long as you don’t have a serious injury of some kind, I don’t know any faster way to recover a sore body than to move. Circulation, soft stretching and easy mobility exercises — that’s the key to recovery. And of course a lot of sleep. The more you sleep, the faster you recover and I’ve slept a lot since the UTMB. I was awake for 60 hours straight during the race weekend (running for almost 46 out of these), and catching up on sleep afterwards has been a high priority.

I love my #Runstreak. I love running for 20 minutes, scouting for chanterelles and blueberries, hatching Pokémon eggs for the kids, feeling the rain and the snow, loving every season. We've had 3 years together, my Runstreak and I, and today it's been 1101 days. Let’s bring on another couple of years of runstreaking!


The UTMB finisher vest.